MACH4 Never Satisfied MXC MJB2 Drama Queen "Pain & Gain" Movie Star Ex-Racer #1 Agility Greyhound 80QQs 4652 MACH Pts
MACH Kells Never Drink Mad Dog 20/20 MX MXJ MJB My First Puppy Coursing Bloodlines Clown Hound AMK9 Biathalon Finisher 20QQs ~1350 MACH Pts
Never Appropriate NA NAJ Ex-Racer
Reagan Never Swing Left OA NAJ A Member of Wurzinger Family
Riley MACH3 Never A Doubt CD MXC MJC 06/28/2006 - 05/01/2019 Always the Bridesmaid Precious, wonderful, content Ex-Racer #2 Agility Greyhound 67 QQs 4537 MACH Pts
Katie MACH Never Had Braces UD 05/17/1998 - 10/21/2010 1st MACH Greyhound 14th Utility Dog Greyhound #5 Greyhound in AKC Agility Retired Oct. 2007 1 Squirrel Catch Kong Excavator Extraordinaire Ex-Racer Heart Dog
Travis MACH2 Never Expected CDX 06/08/1998 - 07/26/2008 #1 Greyhound in AKC Agility 1st GH to earn 2 MACHs Junior Jumper Dock Dogs title A Stunning, Sexy Dog Ex-Racer Heart Dog
Jessie Never Make It FCh CD NA NAJ 08/03/92 - 05/12/04 2 Coursing Best of Breeds #19 ASFA GH out of 300+ in '97 Greatest Teacher My Screw Up Dog
"Teresa CD AX AXJ" 1994? - 11/17/06 #6 Greyhound in AKC Agility Most Humbling Excellent Hiking Companion Coursing Field "Chump" Safe, Slow, and Sweet
So what is a hound to do when temperatures are freezing and snow is on the ground? Play outside? Playing outside wore off quickly. Good thing I stuffed 21 Kongs the day before and froze them. I believe it is a mixture of kibble, canned pumpkin, and cottage cheese.So now what? As part of Katie's rehab for her neurological problem, I have been very good about continuing her cavaletti work. The cavalettis make her step high and flex all of her joints. A good exercise for a dog that was once dragging her left hind leg.It has been too cold and muddy outside so I cleaned off my broad jump boards and brought them inside. Unfortunately, the only room with carpet is our little office. So I flipped up the mattress the dogs lie on to create a small work area. Normally, we do cavalettis in a straight line, but this little room gave us a new variation. You probably remember the wobble board from a past post. Katie still hates it and probably always will. I did find that stuffing blankets underneath it to reduce the tipping even more helped both Reagan and Katie to work it. Reagan is very comfortable on it now. I also taught Reagan and Riley about the Roll-A-Treat. As they roll the ball, pieces of kibble fall out of the hole. Unfortunately, it appears to be discontinued because I could not find a link for you. However, a Buster Cube is very similar. Lastly, find a sunny spot and soak up some warm rays of sunshine.