Monday, November 17, 2008
Crash and Burn
I am beginning to think that Reagan is accident prone. I had the hounds at the training building on Sunday to teach a private obedience lesson. There is an agility field out back with sand footing. It was cold and the hounds needed to let loose. Reagan was running around and fetching her toy. At one point she ran past me up onto the concrete. When she circled around and turned back towards the sand, her back feet slipped out from under her. She scrapped up her back feet, toes, and her right stifle. She started to bleed quite a bit and was leaving a significant trail of blood as she walked. Dang it! It was one of those days where it was freezing cold, so I could not clean her up outside. I put her in the van, grabbed the other two, and tossed all my stuff in the van. I got her home in the bath tub. Got her cleaned up and all of the sand out of the wounds. Katie is a much better patient than Reagan. Of course, what do you expect from the most perfect greyhound ever? Reagan was uncooperative, but I managed to bandage her feet. Now the dilemma.... what do I do with the 19-month old brat for the next couple of days? Watch TV? Read a book? Checkers? Scrabble anyone? Unfortunately, that is not going to work for Reagan.