Saturday, April 27, 2019

Getting Tired - Riley

Riley is getting tired. There has been a noticeable decline in her energy level over the last month.  I can't remember the last time she picked up a toy or rolled back and forth on her back.  I always wished I had caught her back scratching on video.  She is starting to refuse some foods and is eating with less enthusiasm.  Her rear continues to get weaker.  She looks at the stairs like it is a mountain.  I carried her up last night.  She is still walking 45 minutes most days if we get out before it is 70 degrees, but she is staying closer and not exploring as much.  She does not hear as well and when she does hear me, she sometimes cannot tell from what direction my voice came.  The other night she needed to go out at 3:00 AM.  She still shows up in any room I am camped in.... until today.  Her 13th birthday is at the end of June.  Just wanted to post a few pictures from the last few months.