Monday, February 1, 2016

Core Workouts - The Peanut

So one of the great things about the new house is that we designated one of the extra bedrooms as a canine workout room. Now I have plenty of room to store and work with the hounds on the peanut, balance discs, wobble boards, and paw pods. It is a great way to work with the hounds when the weather sucks outside!
The Peanut is a great way to work the dog's stabilizer muscles. As the dog shifts, rebalances, and catches herself, she is using muscles to hold steady. Seven LOVES the Peanut and I have to be very careful to prop it back in the corner when I am not hanging onto it.  I have also had to work on her only being allowed to jump on it when I say HER name and not anyone else's. Riley likes it and does very well.  It was great for rehabbing her fractured hock several years ago and for keeping her rear end from getting shaky.  Maddie hates the Peanut and will only do one exercise on it unless we force her up there and make her do it. That is okay. There are other core exercises that she is very good and her methodical, thoughtful nature makes her a quick study on new stuff versus Seven who literally throws herself at everything.