Seven could not escape my new camera either. She is just so photogenic. She discovered last summer that water is not the enemy and can be quite a relief on a hot day.
In fact, she learned this by watching my friend's border collie, Trust. Outside of agility class, there is a large tub that is often filled with water so the dogs can step in and cool off. I forced Seven to get in which she did not appear to appreciate and quickly vacated. Trust, the border collie, leaped in and lied down in the tub to get in a good soak. Seven watched all of this.
When Trust jumped out, Seven got back in immediately and lied down in the tub. I have never noticed any of my hounds imitating other dogs before so I thought this was very smart of her.
Seven is definitely not a swimmer, but she enjoyed doing recalls in the water and causing a lot of splash.