On a happier note, Seven had an excellent agility trial on my birthday two weekends ago. She was awesome and qualified five out of seven attempts.
On Friday, Seven qualified in Excellent Jumpers and earned her first 14 MACH points. MACH stands for Master Agility Champion and she needs 750 points (seconds under the given course time).
On Saturday, Seven finally earned the third Excellent A Standard leg. If nothing else, I really wanted this and she gave it to me on my birthday. This is Seven's final move-up. She will now compete in Excellent B for both classes which is the highest level for American Kennel Club agility.
As a bonus, Seven also competed in a new class called Time To Beat where the fastest dog sets the course time and you are awarded points based on how close you came to the fastest time. I do not fully understand it yet, but Seven qualified and earned 9 points.
And then....