Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The next morning (Friday, July 29th), I dropped Riley off for surgery.  At 4 PM, Dr. G explained to me that surgery went perfectly.  The bone chip was in one piece and more substantial than he had predicted.  He was able to put a mini-screw into it and post-op x-rays reveled that it was anchored exactly where he wanted it.  Dr. G could not have been happier with the procedure and that Dr. GOG was absolutely right about surgery being the correct choice.  Awesome!
Can you see the tiny screw in the x-rays above and below?
The titanium screw was so tiny.  He showed me one and it reminded me of a screw you use to fix eyeglasses except it was longer. 
I was also emailed a picture of the surgery.  It was probably meant for Dr. C's eyes (my vet), but the vet tech sent them all to me as well.  CLICK HERE if you want to see it.  I think it looks like cloth napkins covering up some meat being pulled apart with shrimp forks. It is hard to believe someone would know where to place a screw.  X-rays make bones seem so clean and white, but they are actually covered in tissues you have to work around or cut through.
Riley had an uneventful evening of sleeping mostly.  We have six weeks of NO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.  Activity is restricted to potty breaks only.  It is hard to do when you have a very physically fit dog that is used to running, hiking, training, and/or doing agility everyday.  We never sit home for more than one day at a time and never more than once or twice a month.  If I am having an off day, I still take them for a 30 - 60 minute walk to take the edge off.  At least by the time you read this, we will have only 4 and half weeks to go.