Tomorrow is the second anniversary of Travis' passing. Time flies no matter what. I finally stripped his dock jumping videos from DVDs that originally came from tape. It is not super quality, but it is all I have. I usually try to edit videos for short attention spans (because I have one), but its my blog, that was my dog, and this is probably the only purebred greyhound most of you will ever see dock jumping. Travis is the only one I have ever seen..... how lucky am I that he was mine!Travis was not a spectacular dock jumper. His flat style did not carry him for a long distance, but it was hoot watching him get so excited for his turn. We had a great time! The record holder (at least at the time) was actually a greyhound/coonhound mix. His jumps reached 26 feet.
I was wondering the other day if Travis at age 12 would still be doing agility or not. I mentioned to Stephen that I probably would have retired him once Reagan and Riley were ready to compete. Stephen reminded me that I would not have adopted Riley if Travis were still alive. I do not think I would trade Riley for those two years (at least not today, tomorrow might be another story if she is bad :-). So things are working out, but I still miss him so much. Last year, I did a Memorial video for Travis. If you have not seen it, please check it out. I love how it turned out. Click Here.