Thursday, October 19, 2000

That Dang Open Standard Title

This was a very big deal considering I was new to the sport and was running a greyhound of all breeds. I had visions of me and my little black greyhound running at the Excellent Ievel in just another trial or 2. Well, Teresa tortured me slowly :-) and 15 trials later... we finally completed the Open Standard title. Rule #1, never count your titles until you have actually earned them. Teresa had done so well in Perry that I thought she would have the Open Standard title in no time. We weren't plagued with any serious issues... we made time, she rarely missed contacts, and she'd do what I asked on the table. After Perry, it took 5 months and 15 more Open Standard runs to finish that title. One run in particular... we made it all the way to the end clean. There was only a chute left.... no big deal, we can do this. Well, she went in and then came back out the same end......... NQ. Finally on Oct. 19th, 2000. Luckily Jumpers didn't take nearly as long. She did that in 5 runs.