Hmmm.... Is that something or nothing? We decide to x-ray.... for the eighth time in the last 6 months. Again, all is well. Dr. C decides to ultra sound the area to see if he can find a "pocket" which would suggest a foreign body. Again, there is nothing.
I asked Dr. C what he would do if it was his dog. He said he would open up the lump and look for a foreign body.... but admitted that he was a surgeon and liked to do those sorts of things. Since I am afraid of needles and scalpels, I decided to wait and see what happens.
Of course, I rush home in search of photos of Riley's right rear foot. I want to know if that toe has always splayed out or not. I find this one.
Closer examination....
... it does appear tighter to me. But again, are we really seeing something here or not? I have decided that I am going to start taking pictures of my dogs' feet periodically so I can monitor changes since toes are the number one soundness problem in greyhounds. I know, it is obssessive, but I cannot tell you how many times I have wondered "has that toe always looked like that?"
Hey, don't their nails look great? I am obssessive about that too! I dremel their nails at least once, if not twice a week.