Seven and my good fortune continued into last weekend and she earned another two Double Qualifiers to finish her Master Agility Championship.
To do so, the dog must have 750 points (seconds under time allowed) and 20 Double Qualifiers (dog runs clean in the Standard and Jumpers classes in the same day). Seven finished her 20th Double Q with 1,418 points.
Here is QQ #19.
And here is QQ #20.
All in all, Seven is doing great! She is running very consistently and from the last three trials has averaged a qualifying rate of 75% and has QQed twice at EACH of the last three trials. And her wrist has done so well! She still tweaks it occasionally (playing with Maddie usually), but I think we really have a good system in place for managing that problem and bringing out her best. Knock on wood, please let it continue!