Brown Noser
I have really enjoyed Maddie turning four months. The last week or so, she has been a lot more fun in training. Her food motivation (the most important trait to me) has really improved. She has gotten much pushier and eager about the treats.
I normally use very high value treats because I like for my hounds to feel well rewarded and to give them a reason to work harder. But Maddie seems to see no difference between steak and dog food... so I have been training with dog food. And she is training great for dog food and is very pushy! I've also manipulated her meals so they are not so predictable and regular. She eats a chicken neck or two when the big guys eat and then the bulk of her calories come in training and/or away from the house. It has made a huge difference. Maddie is so much more engaging and interested in what I want to do now.
I took a lot more video of Maddie training this week. Here is a video of her doing all sorts of things. Targets, pivots on balance disc and on the flat, and basic obedience.
I took a lot more video of Maddie training this week. Here is a video of her doing all sorts of things. Targets, pivots on balance disc and on the flat, and basic obedience.