This is Peanut, my sister's greyhound. She adopted her nearly 2 years ago. Peanut is a greyhound of extremes. Obviously very laid back, but has a very anxious side of her as well.
Peanut was not the racing trainer's favorite. Although she was a solid runner at the dead end track, she had broken numerous teeth gnawing at the crate and could be very vocal when upset. No doubt she was trouble in the kennel. The trainer apologized for giving her to the adoption group, but said the owner had insisted she go to an adoption group when space was available (see, some racing owners are good people).

Peanut proved to be a great farm dog. She has no problem with flies, horses, or napping on concrete barn isles. When she is hot, she stands in the wash rack waiting for someone to hose her off.
My sister, Denise, was looking mostly for two traits. Number one, the greyhound had to get along with her mixed breed dog, Limo (being chased in picture above). Peanut and Limo got along great. They wrestle, play, nip at each others ankles, and Limo makes a great lure. Obviously, Peanut can keep her prey drive in check. Number two, Denise prefers a greyhound that will stick close and not disappear on the 60 acre horse farm. Well, Peanut rarely lets Denise out of sight.
Long-time readers have seen Peanut in the pool before. She is so relaxed and really seems to enjoy just staying cool on a hot day. We had a lot of fun with her last weekend.