Monday, December 10, 2012

Invitational Prep - Part 1

Last weekend's agility trial was prep for the AKC Agility Invitational.  The Invitational is a competition that invites the Top 5 of each breed.  Riley and Seven were both invited and the event is close enough to home (Florida) that we can make the trip.  Last year, Riley qualified, but could not go because of her fractured hock.  This year Riley Greyhound gets to go!
Riley qualified three out of four runs and earned Double Qualifier number 12 (8 more to go to earn championship).  She is such a good girl!  Below is what I am calling QQ #12, but it is actually a clean Jumpers run from the first day.  The actual Jumpers run from the QQ day did not get videoed so I am going to use the other one I have.